Monday, May 23, 2016

Words in Italian!

Ciao! or Hello!

Italy is beautiful! Whether it is the land, the towns, the food, or even the language! 
Italian is a very romantic language. It is actually called a 'Romance language' because Italian was formed from Latin, which was the language of the Romans long, long ago. It is also a very smooth and beautiful language. In Arezzo, there are thousands of people speaking Italian all the time. There are some who know English, but we still need to know some Italian words! Especially when we are trying to order food. One of my favorite dishes that I have gotten here in Arezzo is: Tortellini con Prosciutto, Crossanti, y acqua Naturale. english please?? This translates to: Tortellini with Prosciutto, Crossanti, and Natural water. 
^^This is a picture of the meal. The Crossanti is like an appetizer. It is toasted bread with different spreads on top! They were delicious!! Prosciutto is Italian dry-cured ham that is usually thinly sliced and served uncooked. You also have to asked for "Acqua Naturale" which is natural water. They serve natural and fizzy/bubbly water, and I don't like fizzy water so i ask for the natural water. 

This is an image of some other food that you might find in Italy! P.S the gelato is amazing! 

So what if you what to take a trip from Arezzo to Florence? Well, the easiest way it to go bay train. If you want to know where the train station is you would need to ask someone: "dove si trova la stazione ferroviaria?"
Here are two videos explaining the process and translating the Italian words into English: 

This website will give you important phrases and words that you will need to know when going to train station. It also has a recording of each saying so you can hear how the sentence is pronounced! 

Another important phrase to know is "Quanto Costa?" This translates to: How much does ___cost? The seller will then tell you how many Euros it costs. "Euros" in Italy are like "Dollars" in America. It is their form of money.

If you were wanting to buy some pizza the conversation would be:

You: "Quanto costa la pizza?" --> how much does the pizza cost?
Seller: "Tre euro" --> three euros 
You: "Due fette si prega" --> two slices please
You: "Grazie"--> thank you 
Seller: "Prego" --> you're welcome 

It is important to let people know how you are feeling. For example, if you are tired or sick you need to be able to let someone know so they can help you. This is a list of descriptors that would be useful when describing your feelings to someone.  
"Love" --> "amore"
"Hate" -->  "odio" 
"Worried" --> "preoccupato"
"Angry" --> "arrabbiato" 
"Sad" --> "triste" 
"Afraid" --> "impaurito" 
"Happy" --> "felice" 
"Bored" --> "annoiato"
"Tired" --> "stanco" 
"Beautiful" --> "bello" 
"Sick" --> "malato" 

It can be difficult going to a new country not knowing the language. While some people know English not all of them do. It is important to try and learn the language or at least some basic words of the langauge. If you are interested in learning more about Italian this link will show you some basic words:
Also, If you ever need help translating English to Italian or Italian to English, go to:  

CIAO! or BYE! 

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