Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Day In Cortona, Italy

A Fun Day in Cortona, Italy!

     The University of Oklahoma set up a day trip to Cortona, Italy on Sunday, May 22. This was open to anyone who was interested in going. A few friends and I decided we wanted to go spend the day together in Cortona. Here is the breath taking view we got to see for the entire day. Cortona is known for their country side. Watch this short video that I took to get a feel of how beautiful Cortona truly is. 

     Many years ago the movie Under the Tuscan Sun was shot in Cortona, Italy. I watched this movie with my mom right before I left for Italy. This movie prepared me for what all I could see in a day when visiting Cortona. The movie captures the country side and all the amazing buildings in Cortona. Here is the movie trailer for Under the Tuscan Sun. Watch it now to see all the beautiful opportunities that you could experience one day in Cortona. 


     My friends and I met up with the University of Oklahoma and the other programs that they offered in Arezzo at the train station around 9:15 AM. We purchased our train tickets then we went to track 3 to catch the train. We had to go underground to get to track 3 from the side that we were originally on. Before getting on the train do not forget to validate your train ticket. Here is a link to walk you through the process of validating a train ticket.  https://www.italiarail.com/italiarail-faq. Scroll down to where it says, "What does it mean to validate a pass or ticket?" It will explain the steps you need to go through when validating a train ticket.

 Boomer and President Boren are off to Cortona for the day! 

     We then waited a few minutes for the train then we hopped on and we were on our way to Cortona. The train ride was about 20 minutes from Arezzo, Italy. Once getting to Cortona we took a taxi to get up the hill. The taxi was around 15 euro for all 8 of us. Here is a link with numbers to call when you may need to call a taxi in Cortona. http://www.cortonaweb.net/it/cosa-fare/27-tour-e-attivita/428-tuscan-private-driver?gclid=CIe7gNWI8MwCFQ5mGwodDp4P7w. Once getting up the hill to the city of Cortona there was a look out spot to see the beautiful country side view. My friends and I took lots of photos from this look out spot. Here is one of the photos. 
          After taking many pictures and looking at the view we walked around the city of Cortona, Italy. There was an Antique Fair going on while we were there. It was fun to sort through all of the beautiful antiques. 

      Cortona is known for their Palazzo Del Consiglio Comunale. Here is a link to learn more about the history of this building and it's significance to Cortona. http://www.cortonaweb.net/en/history/14-cortona-civic-palaces. After walking around we of course enjoyed lunch by the view and had gelato afterwards. It was yummy and cute!! 
We had a wonderful time in Cortona, Italy!! 
I would suggest you go someday too!! 

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