Monday, June 6, 2016

Weekend In Capri

A Wonderful Weekend In Capri, Italy!
This past weekend my friends and I travels to the south of Italy to visit the island of Capri. We left Thursday night after getting out of class. We headed to Naples, Italy by train. The train was about 3 and a half hours long. Once arriving in Naples we caught the metro to get to our hostel for the night. The hostel was right next to the ferry dock. Friday morning we woke up and caught the ferry from Naples to Capri. My friends and I looked at ferry prices and times before heading to the dock. If you ever want to go to Capri here is a link for all of the ferries that leave from Naples to go to Capri. The ferries run from early in the morning to late at night. They run about every 30 minutes. There is a fast ferry that take 45 minutes and a slower one that takes about a hour and a half. My friends and I took the fast speed ferry, because we were ready to get to the beautiful island of Capri! If you are interested in going on a ferry here is a link for more details.

Blue Grotto
When we arrived we checked into our villa for the weekend and then headed down to the Blue Grotto. The Blue Grotto has boat tours all day long for around 13 euros. Here is a link if you would like to book a boat tour to go into the Blue Grotto. My friends and I were too late to ride a boat into the Blue Grotto that day so we decided to swim in the cave instead. When swimming inside the cave you are able to see the bright blue light shine through. This is why it is called the Blue Grotto. It was so gorgeous!! We had a blast... until I got stung by a jelly fish. Haha! 

On Saturday, we woke up early and headed down to the marina. This were we got off the ferry from Naples. At the marina there are smaller boats that you can rent for the day or half of the day. My friend and I rented a boat to go around the island of Capri for 2 hours. We had a blast seeing the whole island in a short amount of time. Our boat driver even let us jump off the boat and swim in the ocean for a little bit. The water was crystal clear! If you are interested in renting a small boat for a few hours or the full day like we did go to this link:
Here is a video that I took of my friends and I on our private boat! 

After we went on our boat ride we went back up the mountain to go on the Capri chair lift. The chair lift took us to the highest point on the island. It was beautiful to be able to see all sides of the island from up high. Here are some more details about the cost and times for the Capri chair lift if you are interested in going on it:
This was my favorite part of the whole weekend! You have to ride the chair lift when you go! 
Overall, it was a fabulous weekend with beautiful friends and sunsets! 

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