Monday, June 6, 2016

My Cousin Rachel

Did you know college students take field trips too?

Today me and my classmates took a field trip to Piazza Grande. Piazza Grande is a medieval style square, that is used as a marketplace today. We did not have to travel far, Piazza Grande is only five minutes, walking, away from our classroom,_Arezzo.JPG

This may not sound like an interesting field trip. We did not take this visit to explore this historic location. We walked uphill to watch a movie being filmed. YES! a real motion picture. We witnessed a scene of My Cousin Rachel being filmed.

June 6, 2016

My Cousin Rachel is mystery/ romance about an English man who seeks revenge from his cousin Rachel. The movie is based off the book  My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier . Click the link to learn more about this book ( )  The film original movie was released in 1952. They filmed is projected to be complete in 2017.The two main characters of the film are Rachel Weisz And Sam Claflin
For more information on the film please click the link below.
Rachel Weisz is a 46 year old English actress who has performed in 53 productions. She is mostly known for her roles in The Mummy, Runaway Jury, and The Fountain, just to name a few. She is also, currently married to Daniel Craig, who is known widely for his role as James Bond.

 Sam Claflin is 29 English men, who was born in Ipswich, England. He has had roles in 19 movies. His most popular works include Hunger Games, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and Snow White and the Huntsman. We witnessed Sam trying to flip his water bottle in-between takes. Once he was successful, we applauded him, and he pointed and smiled at us. This little gesture of kindness and recognition really made our day!

We really enjoyed our field trip and would love to hear about some of your recent field trips! CIAO!

The University of Oklahoma College of Education students. 6/6/16

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